Founder Story

Selfie of me and my first batch of packages - April, 2020

Founder Story

My journey began when I discovered the beauty of bioactive vivariums. By combining LED lighting, dead organic materials, isopods, springtails, and live plants, I created self-sustaining ecosystems that eliminated the need for frequent waste disposal. This not only saved time and money but also fostered a more natural and healthy environment for my bearded dragon. I realized this could revolutionize the way reptile owners approached feces disposal. 

However, the high cost and limited accessibility of the necessary materials made it challenging for many reptile owners, including myself, to create their own bioactive vivariums. With a vision to make this sustainable solution more affordable and accessible, I took matters into my own hands, armed with only $500 and three species of isopods.

Isopod Specialist LLC was born in my humble garage, fueled by a passion for sustainability and a commitment to making a difference in the lives of reptile owners and their pets. Through tireless effort and an unwavering belief in my mission, I have grown from a one-person operation. Eighteen months after I founded the company, I hired my first employee and we’ve developed into a thriving company dedicated to transforming the reptile care industry.

Today, we proudly offer a wide range of isopod species, bioactive vivarium supplies, and expert guidance to help reptile owners build their own thriving ecosystems. And we even operate out of a warehouse in sunny Southern California. Our commitment to quality, affordability, and education has earned us the trust and loyalty of customers worldwide. 

Thank you for being a part of our story.


Justin Jadali

Founder & CEO  


Justins Garage March 18, 2021

The Garage Where it All Started - March, 2020